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Oppression is not limited to overseas, it’s right here in Campbell River

As I sat watching the television yesterday a story of unrest overseas caught my attention.

Website offers chance to get the facts on salmon farming

To hear some folks tell it, farmed salmon is full of pesticides, dyed with artificial colours and not as nutritional as their wild cousins.

Sled dogs not only ones neglected; SPCA is too

The shocking story of 100 sled dogs being shot execution-style after the Olympic Games in Whistler last year is attracting world-wide attention.

Extermination of 100 sled dogs was a brutal act

Well, I’m just astounded by the case of 100 sled dogs being slaughtered in Whistler.
B.C. goes backwards on education

B.C. goes backwards on education


With Catalyst Paper continuing to challenge coastal communities – including Campbell River – in court over its taxes, Powell River is intending to lower Catalyst’s taxes by paying the mill to treat the city’s sewage.

Idle trash talking about another new city policy

The city is looking at introducing yet another new policy – but this time I think their implementation strategy is dead on.


Quit complaining
Government run by big business

Government run by big business

Elected leaders need hard data

A new organization in Victoria dedicated to urging politicians to base decisions on sound science is a welcome addition to B.C.