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Workshops focus on writing life

“...only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things.” – Anton Chekhov The Campbell River Arts Council is offering a unique opportunity for writers to attend a series of workshops with one of Canada’s finest young poets Matt Rader. Rader is offering the Arts Council a series based on the overall theme of Writing Life.

“...only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things.”

– Anton Chekhov

The Campbell River Arts Council is offering a unique opportunity for writers to attend a series of workshops with one of Canada’s finest young poets Matt Rader.

Rader is offering the Arts Council a series based on the overall theme of Writing Life.  He says: “How do we write about our lives and how are our lives different when we write? How do we encounter other lives in our writing and introduce our lives to others? How do we make our lives as writers and make writing part of our lives?”  The first workshop will be held on May 15 from 1-4pm and is entitled ‘Get...

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