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Decline of B.C.’s forestry ‘neither inevitable nor acceptable’: union report

Premier Eby says criticism ‘stings a little’ but promises to work with forestry workers
A new reports says B.C.’s forestry sector finds itself in a “deepening” and “never-ending” crisis but the decline of the industry is “neither inevitable nor acceptable” in calling on governmen to focus on preserving jobs in the sector through a broader strategy. (Black Press Media file photo)

A new report warns of a “deepening” and “never-ending” crisis in B.C.’s forestry sector and criticizes government’s inadequate response to it.

Titled ‘A Better Future for B.C. Forestry’, the report was co-prepared by three unions (Unifor, United Steelworkers, Public and Private Workers of Canada) with contributions from others including Canadian Labour Economist Jim Stanford. It finds the sector has “experienced a perfect storm of repeated and intersecting crises” that have “devastated.”

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