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Changes aimed at fixing B.C.’s $1B tax estimate errors

B.C. auditor general says accounting fix should improve tax revenue estimates
Michael Pickup appears at the legislature in Halifax, N.S., on Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017. Now the B.C. auditor general, Pickup says the provincial government is using more up-to-date information to forecast income tax revenue, something he expects to improve financial estimates that are routinely off by more than $1 billion every year. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Andrew Vaughan

British Columbia auditor general Michael Pickup says the provincial government is using more up-to-date information to forecast income tax revenue, something he expects to improve financial estimates that have routinely been off by more than $1 billion every year.

He says in an audit of the government’s 2022-2023 financial statements that the change should reduce the size of adjustments to estimates of tax revenue which he says have been “frequently off target” for the last decade.

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